Price of the dollar today April 7

Mexico City

At the start of the business, the price of the dollar was up to 20.63 pesos at banks Wednesday. Meanwhile, the the interbank exchange rate is 20.16 pesos per dollar with an almost imperceptible loss of 0.02 percent.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 20.63 pesos while BBVA Mexico does it at 8.42 pm, Banorte at 20.45 pesos, Azteca Bank at 8.20 pm and Santander in 20.19 units.

The peso traded virtually unchanged on Wednesday while investors later in the session waited for the minutes of the last meeting of the Federal Reserve (Fed) of the United States to be published.

How’s the exchange rate going?

Banco Base explained in a report that the peso started the session with little change compared to yesterday’s close, trade around 20.17 pesos per dollar, with the exchange rate trading between a minimum of 20.1518 and a maximum of 20.2252 pesos.

In the forex market, the performance of currencies has been mixed, with the dollar-weighted index showing little change, losing 0.01 percent compared to yesterday’s close, the finance group said.

“The stability of the foreign exchange market is likely due to the fact that the market is waiting for relevant information about the future of monetary policy in the United States,” he explained.

Another major event today is the presentation in the United States of Joe Biden’s $ 2.25 billion infrastructure plan, and according to the media, he will hold a meeting with lawmakers from both parties seeking support from the Republicans.

Real time dollar

The euro It is sold at the window for up to 23.98 pesos and it is bought for 23.96 pesos. For its part, the British pound is offered at 27.71 pesos and bought at 27.71 pesos.

The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) recorded an exchange rate of 20.16 pesos in the previous session per dollar.

With information from: Reuters

