President Trump’s son asks Elon Musk to set up a social network to replace Twitter

Washington, United States

Donald Trump Jr., son of surveyed US President Donald Trump asked the world’s richest man, businessman Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, create a social network to replace Twitter, who recently vetoed the events that occurred on Capitol Hill last week.

The businessman also questioned the decisions technical giants applied to the president, arguing that Trump “incites violence” during the takeover of Congress, a fact that five people who died.

“I wanted to come up with something to deal with the nonsense of censorship that’s going on right now, and of course I’m only pointing one way. Why isn’t Elon Musk creating a social media platform?” Said Donald Jr. in a video posted on Facebook.

LEA: Twitter defends its Trump veto, but sees it as a dangerous precedent

“I mean, this man took people into space. He did it privately. He stood up to the big government and did it better, cheaper and faster than they ever could. This is the man doing it,” he said.

The eldest son of the US president explained that he is not looking for a conservative sounding board, but a platform to discuss ideas with someone else’s. “I don’t want a place where they tell me what to listen to,” he said.

He rigorously questioned Twitter for censoring and blocking his father’s favorite social network. In addition, he denounced the platform for becoming a “de facto arbitrator of free speech.”

The controversy over censorship and freedom of expression on the Internet subsequently became widespread Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Youtube, will make the decision to shut down the social profiles of United States President Donald Trump indefinitely. On the other hand, the application stores from Google and Apple they’ve eliminated Parler, an app used by conservatives and supporters of the president.
