Police choir celebrating Granma’s victory at the ball

06/04/2021 – 4:10 PM (GMT-4)

A video of the Cuban parties in Bayamo for Granma’s victory In the 60th National Baseball Series, the chorus of “hey, police, pi ***” is rolling like wildfire on social media.

With the tempo and rhythm of the conga, many people took to the streets celebrate the triumph of Los Alazanes, with a tacky chorus that has gone viral on Cuban streets widely due to the unusualness of these expressions.

“My people this has been set on fire, how many people on the street,” said one of the people who filmed the event.

While it was not quite a demonstration against the police, many Cubans have seen it as a show of courage and a hope that the people can unite and take to the streets to peacefully demand that their rights be respected.

The choir took on special significance in the middle of a weekend marked by repression in Cuba, especially in Santiago de Cuba, where members of the Patriotic Union of Cuba are on hunger strike and in a vulnerable state, and in Havana, where San’s neighbors are on hunger strike. Isidro prevented the police from arresting Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo and then sang out loud the song Patria y Vida in the middle of the street.

The celebration of the sporting victory in Granma has been characterized by a lack of scrutiny at a time when the government is imposing increasingly drastic and limited measures amid the coronavirus pandemic. Dozens of people took to the streets, singing and cheering – some without masks – and gathered to watch the bus pass by with the winning team.

Granma is the province with the most COVID-19 cases after Havana in the last parts.

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