Paulina Rubio is facing serious financial problems | THE UNMARTY

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, many performers and entertainment figures have been affected, in particular by cutting their salaries and not having concerts or presentations to help support them, such as the fall of Paulina Rubio that has since taken place. months ago as a result of an economic crisis.

The interpreter of “Give me another tequila” has not paid what she owes in respect of her annual tax on a home she has in Miami, which is about 2 million pesos.

According to the Ventaneando Program, “La Chica Dorada” home costs about 6 million pesos and was purchased in 1996 by the Ananda Florida Inc. company, where she and her mother were active members.

But this is not the singer’s only fault, as she owes a credit card company more than 400,000 pesos, in addition to the salaries she has had to pay her lawyers for the legal problem she has with the two parents of their two children.

The TV Notes portal announced that there are strong rumors that Paulina could mortgage her home to cover all of these expenses and debts that have accumulated in recent months.

On this note
