Paty Navidad: The actress was fired after Twitter canceled her account | Spoiler

Paty Christmas is an actress recognized in Mexico for a long career in various soap operas and television programs. However, last year it was published by the media and not precisely because of his artistic talent: against all scientific evidence, promoted a conspiracy theory about the coronavirus and denounced a plan to control the population. In recent hours it has become a trend again as Twitter canceled her account and she did not keep silent. He wrote a strong text on Instagram.

The closure of his profile on the social network coincided with that of Donald Trump. Twitter has officially announced that the historic decision has been made “because of the risk of further incitement to violence” after violent protests in the Capotlio in Washington that left five dead. The 47-year-old defended the demonstrations and said it was all about one “Great show” set against the President of the United States.

“Our public interest policy, which has guided our enforcement action in this area for years, ends where we believe the risk of harm is greater or more serious.”, is the position of the application that decided to cancel Paty for breaking the rules, although it did not clarify whether this was due to are baseless conspiracy theories or incitement to violence like Trump.

Paty Navidad: The actress resigned after Twitter canceled her account

For the actress, everything belongs to the same and she announced this on her Instagram account on Saturday. “Censorship is strong and against all those who disobey or try to think for themselves. What comes before the world is a hecatomb against humanity, a tyrannical and brutal dictatorship through technology and digitalization.”, he indicated.

In addition to denouncing censorship, he left a message to his followers and made a special request: “Let’s wake up in the light of conscience and see with the eyes of soul and reason. We can still build and create our best version of humanity. Wake up! Long live freedom of expression and diversity of thought! Let’s defend our rights, freedoms and human dignity! ”.



