Paty Navidad does not give up and returns to Twitter with everything

A Paty Christmas nothing can stop her! It seems that the actress is not willing to be silenced by her through social networks controversial opinions about Covid-19, because he announced he already has a new Twitter account.

The interpreter announced the opening of her new profile via her Instagram, where she made it clear that this time she will be very demanding in choosing who can follow her as her account is private.

“Hello to all my beautiful followers, I tell you that after a few days of reading and reflecting, I am coming back to my friend who misses me so much, my beloved Twitter. ‘Whoever never surrenders will never be defeated’ ”, wrote.

paty navidad returns to twitter

Recall that the famous woman has been left without an account more than once after disclosing her controversial views, as she has spoken out against face masks (which she calls muzzles), vaccines and denies the danger of the coronavirus.

“This time I will have Security locks So that there is no leakage or those that should not be there, it will be a pleasure to continue to share opinions and different points of view on what is happening to us in the world, in our country and many more, I sincerely hope that this times there is more respect for the rights and freedoms of which we think differently “, he said.

Once Paty Navidad shared that her new user is @ LuzDeVerdad1, some tweeters rushed to follow her … although many others asked her to Cancel your new profile.

“Report it! Already bordering on insanity “,” She’s crazy, crazy, crazy “,” I’ve already reported the account “,” And they can’t block it again? “, pointed out several netizens.

However, she doesn’t seem to care much about the criticism of her detractors as the actress has launched tweets about the alleged danger red 5G and information about theories of the “New World Order”.

“It’s not a pandemic, it’s one planemic, extortion, a big lie and planned chaos. The virus exists, but it is not what they say, nor should it be the excuse to lead us to adopt rules for a new society that they have worked for decades to implement., expressed in one of his controversial posts.

It’s worth noting that Paty Navidad is an advocate of this Donald Trump and he stood in the eye of the hurricane in early January when he stated on Twitter that he agreed with the demonstrations in the United States Capitol against the nomination of Joe Biden as president of that country.

Paty Christmas Donald Trump Capitol
