Patria y Vida has been viewed over 369,000 times on YouTube in just 24 hours

17/02/2021 – 7:48 PM (GMT-4)

In just 24 hours, the video clip of “Patria y Vida”, released the new theme by Maykel Osorbo, Yotuel, Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno and other Cuban musicians, has more than 369,000 views on YouTube.

On Tuesday evening, the artists met in Miami to present and make the video clip an emotional video call from Cuba to Maykel Osorbo, El Funky and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, artists who also participated in the project.

The direction of the video was in charge of Asylum Babastro, one of the favorite conductors of urban music in Cuba, features the special appearance of the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, leader of the San Isidro movement, whose actions have united Cubans both inside and outside the island.

The video clip – the chorus of which reads: “It’s over, it’s over, 60 years locked the dominoes” – depicts recent events in Cuba, from scenes of violence and oppression to the solidarity of the San Isidro’s actions. movement.

“My God, they brought tears to my eyes, mothers crying for their children leaving. Cuba libre,” responded a Cuban woman on Yotuel’s YouTube channel, where the video was released.

“How wonderful my brothers are, they have managed to express in this song the heartbreaking cry of all our Cuban people crying out for freedom! What an emotion, they are loved. Long live Cuba Libre!”

“I am proud as a Cuban to see our performers joining in to sing for the first time in pursuit of Cuba’s freedom. Bravo to those who have joined, let’s hope and many more raise their voices on behalf of the blinded voices of the people. Long live Cuba Libre, “said another.

On the subject, which promises to be a kind of anthem for Cuba’s freedom, said opposition reporter Maykel Osorbo: “The great thing about this is that people connect, the theme is created and is listened to. Now we’re going to start filming all the people listening to songs here in the Havana neighborhoods, because we’re really achieving things. The song was for all of you, I’m very proud of what we’ve done, ”he said.

Since the song was released, there have been several artists playing it have joined the calling of Homeland and Life, both inside and outside the island.

From Cuban singer Francisco Céspedes to the Cuban comedian duo known as Los Pichy Boys have shared and supported the musical theme.

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