Pablo Milanés confirms that “reggaeton is not music”

1 27/02/2021 – 7:14 PM (GMT-4)

Legendary Cuban singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés, a staunch critic of reggaeton, said this urban genre should not be viewed as music.

“Rock’n’roll was primarily a genre that descends from the blues and is easily noticed, and therefore it is music and it is valid and over time it became much more serious and dedicated to the musical work in the background. Reggaeton has no antecedents because it’s not music, it has no antecedents because it’s not rhythm, it has no antecedents because it’s much less lyrics, everything seems very decadent to me and that’s why I criticize it, ” said the Cuban singer and the Spanish. newspaper ABC

This is not the first time that the author of songs like “Yolanda” or “El breve space” has spoken out against reggaeton.

According to Milanes, reggaeton “It’s something that escapes the artists and the public (…), they follow the paths allowed by the media. The states are the ones who have the responsibility to educate the population so they know how to listen. they know how to feel “.

“Music has a social, poetic and spiritual function, of course, and it cannot be left behind,” he said.

On another occasion, Paul qualified simple music reggaetonsuperficial, without poetry and spirit; and he summed it all up in the term “emergency music”.

“It’s a shame that music is being heard. I suffer a lot because all my life I’ve tried to save poetry for popular work, and the media ends up imposing other things, ”he said.

After several of the criticisms Pablo made of reggaeton, reggaeton Wisin answered him: “I hope that soon I will change my mind and that I can start looking at music and art from a different point of view.

“I tell that person that in the case of us, mine, my company, all we do is try to do great things, try to evolve. We haven’t done everything right, of course, but we’re always trying to grow, to to find that way to do the right thing in a professional way, to collaborate with great artists, not only from the urban genre, but also to be able to merge with other genres.

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