Outstanding ex-boxer and Cuban coach José Luis Hernández dies

02/03/2021 – 6:58 PM (GMT-4)

Prominent Cuban boxer José Luis Hernández died on Tuesday in Alquízar Municipality, Artemisa Province, at the age of 56, the sports site reported. JIT.

Hernández was champion of the 67 kilogram division at the Central American and Caribbean Games held in Havana in 1982 and represented the Cuban boxing team in multiple international tournaments and World Championships.

“He leaves us physically a proven Cuban, off balance as an exponent of our boxing, whom he served with passion and dedication,” INDER President Osvaldo Vento Montiller wrote on Twitter.

The divisions in which Hernández stood out ranged from 63.5, 67 and 71 kilograms, in which he was a medalist of all metals in national tournaments such as Playa Girón and Giraldo Córdova Cardín, crowning himself the winner of the first in 1988 and 1989.

In 1987 he was victorious at the Gee-Bee tournaments in Helsinki, Finland, after beating German Torsten Schmitz 4-1 and at the Feliks Stamm in Warsaw, Poland, when he beat Cornel Ladewig, also German, in the first round knocked out.

After his retirement in 1990, Hernández remained involved in the fist sport as a physiotherapist and coach in the Cuban preselection.

His most important achievement as a coach was the silver medal that boxer Lorenzo Aragón achieved at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, which led to his results as a professional in Ecuador.

Hernández’s body will be veiled in Alquízar and buried in Guane, Pinar del Río, where the boxer was born. INDER, the Cuban Olympic Committee and the Cuban Boxing Federation expressed their condolences to the family and friends of the beloved boxer.

The month of February was fatal for Cuban sports. The legendary home runner has passed away in recent days Pedro “Cheíto” José Rodríguez, the Cuban pitcher Gregorio Américo Pérez Valdés, known as Gregorio “Mano Negra” Pérez, ed Alfredo Quintana, Cuban goalkeeper of the Portuguese handball team Porto.

The three national athletes died at 64, 79 and 32 years, respectively. Especially tragic was the early death of the Cuban handball player, whose death ended a good career in the Portuguese league.

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