Obama includes Bad Bunny song among his favorites of 2020

He also likes the urban genre.

Former President of the United States Barack Obama shared a list of his 20 favorite topics from this 2020 on his Twitter account.

One of his favorites is Puerto Rican city interpreter Bad Bunny with his song The hard, from the album YHLQMDLG.

These are some of my favorite songs of the year. As usual, I had some valuable advice from our family music guru Sasha to put this together. I hope you find one or two new songs to listen to, ‘the politician wrote on his social network account.

It is not the first time that the former US president has put a song with the voice of the exponent on his music list.

In August, he shared his summer favorites and played One Day (One day), a song by Colombian reggaeton artist J Balvin featuring the collaborations of Bad Bunny, Dua Lipa and producer Tainy.
