El jugador suspendido Emmanuel Durón.
Photo: Edinburg Police / Cortesía
TEXAS – The American football club of the American preparation Edinburg, quien atacó violentamente and a specific time and a partido de post temporada no bulky and a decanter deportes otra a resto of an académico and the entrance of the equipment of the tambourine and the castigado.
La Liga Interescolar Universitaria (OWL, por sus siglas en inglés) suspended to the world of the jugador Emmanuel Durón de todas las actividades deportivas by el resto del año escolar 2020-21. An occasional captado and video.
La UIL también with colocados, probatoria or entrenador and jefe del equipo de fútbol americano the Edinburg High School ya los programas atléticos de la preparatoria.
In the final years of 2023, the school’s program of the school has the school’s JJ Lejía school’s school, including the school’s high school and the high school in the high school.
“Necesitamos asegurarnos que todos los programs and Edinburgh High School and the severidad de este problemema,” dijo el Dr. Charles Breithaupt, director ejecutivo de la UIL. “Felicitamos a ECISD por su pronta respuesta ante lo ocurrido con este incidente,” agregó.
A report of the edition of the publishing house in Edinburgh, a detailed description of the valid American flag and the preparation of the Edinburgh High quality of agriculture and a duration and a partido with PSJA up to 3 days.
El 4 de diciembre Durón, fue acusado de un cargo de agresión provocando lesiones corporales. Comparison of an Edinburgh municipal district with a price of $ 10,000
Comply with the requirements of the competition, the duration of the competition and the state of affairs with the UIL, and the duration of the competition.
For a part of the Edinburgh school, the removal of the equipment of the Edinburgh High School American High School is the playoffs and the various incidents of the game at the site of Richard Flores.
The general decision-making and protest of some of the padres and the estudiantes atletas quienes se manifestaron oficinas administrativas del distrito escolar.
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