No more FILTER! Gaby Spanic, MARKED for her “FACE CHANGE” in PHOTOS

The actress Gaby Spanic was pointed to her social networks by a series of images she posted on her official Instagram site, where users highlighted something really special.

The followers of the actress emphasized that she uses a significant number of filters on her social networks, thus losing the original essence of her photos.

Some users even joked about some of the details, such as purified water, that a user placed it on “Another filter and purifies the water”, referring to the drastic cleanliness of the image.

Other users defended the actress Gaby Spanic and they pointed out that she did not need to use filters on her images as she is a very beautiful woman.

The picture of the controversy

Controversy was created for a particular image where a significant number of filters were observed and this invited users to leave a series of comments.

Is she very strange, has she changed her face?, was one of the comments they made to the actress Gaby Spanic, who posted this image on her social networks.
