Niño Earns $ 3,200 From GameStop Shares | The world

SAN ANTONIO- A 10-year-old from San Antonio has committed murder by selling the GameStop stock he received over a year ago.

Jaydyn Carr’s mother, Nina, spent $ 60 on 10 titles on the video game chain in December 2019, which she then gave to her son in a cooperative economics show based on the Ujamaa principle, one of seven that make up the Kwanzaa festival in honor of the African heritage in the United States.

When GameStop stock prices hit sky-high levels this week in the wake of a speculation frenzy sparked by a Reddit chat group, Jaydyn sold the stock for just under $ 3,200 on Wednesday, the San Antonio Express-News reported.

“My phone rang because I have GameStop on my stock list to check,” Nina said of watching the stock price go up. “I tried to explain to her that this was unusual. I asked her: do you want to keep or sell them?”

The investor duo indicated that $ 2,200 of the money will go to Jaydyn’s savings account and the other $ 1,000 to new investments.
