Neymar sent a tender message to a child who was crying because of discrimination

Mexico City /

A big commotion has generated the video of the little one Luiz Eduardo Bertoldo, the 11-year-old boy who suffered from racism after a coach called him “black.” For this reason, Neymar, star of Paris Saint Germain (PSG), sent him a message to ask you to keep your dream.

Through tears, Luiz Bertoldo explained how during a test at the Urbelandia Academy, in Brazil, the rival engineer kept calling him “black.” ‘The coach always said,’ Close the black, close the black, there, look … ‘He spoke like that several times,’ said the boy.

The images of Luiz Eduardo went around the world and then they reached the hands of Neymar, the front of the Brazil’s selection he sent her a few words of encouragement.

“I saw you were going through a difficult, sad situation. Unfortunately, we are going through things like this that no longer fit today. I want to wish you strength, I hope you don’t give up what you love to do, which is to play football. Power, turn it into training, dedication, love for what you do. All, without any color or variety. A kiss, thank goodness, good luck. I encourage you. A hug, ‘said the PSG player.

The situation had many consequences in Brazil. Other sports personalities also condemned the discriminatory act. Santos invited Luiz Eduardo to participate in a football test for the first months of 2021.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
