New York prosecutor’s report confirms investigation against Juan Orlando, president of Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- An official document of the New York State Department confirms that there is an open investigation against the president Juan Orlando Hernandez for his alleged involvement in the cocaine trade.

The revelation emerged during the filing of a motion in which the prosecution certifies evidence that the capo Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez in drug trafficking and the use of weapons.

“The accused’s complaints about the government investigation ignore the reality of developing evidence of drug trafficking and violence in Honduras in connection with an investigation targeting, among others, senior officials such as CC-4,” states the document to which he had access. THE HERALD.

SEE: Presidential House for Allegations Against JOH: ‘It’s 100% False and Based on Criminals’ Lies’

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In the same report, CC-4 is identified as the President of Honduras. It also reveals that Fuentes Ramírez contributed large sums of drug money to Hernández’s campaign for the Honduras presidency in 2013. In return, Hernández promised to protect the suspect from arrest and extradition.

In a message via social networks, the Presidential House He denied the charges against the president, insisting it was revenge for the drug traffickers.

ALSO: Presidential House for Charges Against US Prosecutors: It’s 100% False and Appears to Be Based on Lies
