New Mario Nintendo Switch game may have leaked

A new Mario game for Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite and possibly the Super Switch, may have just leaked, or at least that’s what Nintendo fans think just happened. Nintendo hasn’t shared what it has in store for 2021, but many are expecting a lot of games after a somewhat quiet 2020, inclusive The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, Bayonetta 3, and possibly even Mario Kart 9. That said, in addition to these games, plus a few others like Metroid Prime 4, Nintendo fans are now looking forward to a sequel to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Ubisoft’s 2017 turn-based strategy game that explores the world of Mario with the world of Rabbids.

Speculation about a sequel to the 2017 hit comes to Twitter, following Rabbids’ official account changing from “@RabbidsOfficial” to “@MarioRabbids.” At this point, it’s unclear why Ubisoft and Nintendo made this change, but it hints at not only a sequel, but a possible upcoming announcement.

For now this is all just speculation, but as the speculation points out, it is unclear what else could be going on here. If it’s just a change for the sake of change, it’s a very, very random one.

At the time of publication, none of the parties involved – neither Ubisoft nor Nintendo – has commented on the change and the speculation it has caused, and is unlikely to happen at this point. If so, however, we’ll update the story accordingly. In the meantime, if you’re a fan of the aforementioned 2017 game, keep your eyes peeled.

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