New infographic shows the 21 games featured in this week’s Nintendo Indie Showcase

With another Indie Showcase wrapped up, Nintendo is back with its handy infographic to remind us of all the games featured on the show.

Fans usually jump on these infographics pretty quickly and circle any games that interest them, before sharing them on social media or with friends. If you want to jump on the cart, feel free to save this image to your device and check off anything you like.

If you need a recap of the show before making your decision, as well as more details on each of the highlighted games, be sure to check out our full Indie Showcase April 2021 Round-Up! Done? Good. Please, then:

So, which games do you think you’ll end up buying? We’ve already decided FEZ is a winner, but maybe the intriguing 400-day real-time spin in The Longing has intrigued you, or the nostalgic beat ’em up goodness in TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge?

Let us know at the usual place.
