Neuromarketing: Influence of Hormones and Neurotransmitters on Human Well-being

Hormones and neurotransmitters influence the function of other cells. In essence, they are essential messengers for the body to properly perform its functions. Physical well-being is not your only goal, as positive emotions and feelings are also essential to maintain a good quality of life. The human brain has the ability to produce various hormones directly related to our health, as described by Rosana Gogorza, a neurologist called by OSDE.

Endorphins originate primarily from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They are a powerful natural stimulant that affects our mood without causing any adverse effects. “These natural chemicals act as painkillers and stimulate the pleasure centers, creating satisfying situations that help eliminate discomfort,” says Gogorza, and suggests that we perform all kinds of activities that reassure us, to enhance their production and the resulting positive results. stimulate.

To stimulate the production of endorphins, it is recommended to laugh, exercise, relax, listen to music, read, meditate, achieve goals, caress, kiss and hug, because all expressions of affection to generate pleasure. These activities facilitate memory and attention, as well as the feeling of well-being and happiness. It is not a myth that “laughter is the best cure” as it has been shown to strengthen the immune system and reduce physical pain.

Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter responsible for regulating gastrointestinal function. It is mainly produced in the gut and affects control of movement, emotions and cognitive functions. “Serotonin induces feelings of relaxation, satisfaction, increases concentration and self-esteem.” It depends directly on tryptophan, a basic amino acid found in foods such as eggs, pasta, rice, dairy products, grains, chicken and legumes.

This neurotransmitter also helps us enjoy a good night’s sleep and starts the body’s internal clock. Too much of it can be dangerous because a sudden spike (usually caused by certain illegal drugs) can cause paranoia and negatively affect memory and judgment. On the contrary, if the brain does not produce the required amount of serotonin, we can experience insomnia or lack of mood.

Another of these neurotransmitters present in different parts of the brain is dopamine, linked to the motor function of the body and the realization of different purposes. “Dopamine floods the synapse between neurons when something rewarding happens. It’s responsible for that deluge of joy when a goal is achieved or a task is successful, ”adds the neurologist of this chemical that also promotes alertness and memory and helps the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin after eating.

Dopamine is responsible for the coordination between the brain and the body in producing voluntary movements, so its deficiency is related to Parkinson’s disease. To stimulate its secretion, we can increase our consumption of foods rich in tyrosine such as chocolate, watermelon, almonds, meat, green tea, dairy products, blueberries and soybeans.

Oxytocin, also called the “love hormone”, is produced in the hypothalamus of the brain and travels through the bloodstream to reach various organs. “It frees itself from pleasant moments in life, such as when we enjoy meeting friends, as well as simple physical contacts, creating bonds of attachment.” Oxytocin performs functions as a hormone and as a neurotransmitter: it triggers and supports contractions, dilates the cervix and plays a fundamental role in breastfeeding, strengthening the bond between mother and child.

The body needs this substance, which completely affects physical and social health, as it increases empathy and self-confidence, regulates the increase in heart rate, lowers blood pressure and stress, as well as the tendency to addictions. Cuddling our loved ones, laughing, enjoying free time, creating deep and lasting bonds, among other things, helping to maintain a high oxytocin content and thus a better quality of life.

