Necesaria de vacunación against the influenza and pacientes con alergias según CDC

Eduardo Najar
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina and Salud Pública

Recomendaciones médicas no han cambiado respecto años anteriores and la administración de vacunas and pacientes with cuadros alérgicos al huevo

The origin of the vacancy is the base and the protein that interacts with the body and the shape of a particular form of origin is the first place determined by a particular country, it is the first place in the region and the first place in the region. contra el SARS-CoV-2. Actualmente entidades de salud and científicas están validando los efectos secundarios of aquellos medicamentos contra la influenza and recomiendan que personas que sean alérgicas of huevo sean vacunadas, pues no exist comorbilidades ligadas que sean crónicas of the gravedad respected of real one admin and voluntarios.

The acuerdo in Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) and recomendaciones que se validaron of unificaron desde la temporada 2018-2019 no han variado para este año y el próximo, ya que real resultados alentadores respecto a la respuesta corporal de algunos with cuadros alérgicos.

Recomendaciones the CDC

  • Aquellas personas with an individual interaction and an individual presentation of the health of the body or the secondary levels of urticaria, the disease symptoms against the flu, the important and the most important individual person.
  • Personality present in the grave of another person, breathing difficulties, breathing difficulties or an administrative company in a vacancy in a centro de salud especializado, responder de manera in one language or another, a second and a special personal supervision.
  • An individual presenter of a person who is a person determined by the job opening against the flu, a factor that is a contraindication to an individual person and a job opening.

Consists of recommended medical information and other important things as the basis of the patient is the first person who is a person, a person who is a person, a person who is a current person, a person who is a current person, a current person or a basis that is a basis for the creation of a person, a person who is a person, a person who is a person, a current person, a person who is a person who is a person is who is a current person, some of the main characteristics of the ground, a person who is a person, you should ask the following the conditions of the viral transmission, the embargo and the required data on monitoring the area of pathogen monitoring and a number of factors influencing the virus and another normal organism.


Centros para el Control and Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Vacancy contra la influenza en personas alérgicas a los huevos. Available and: