National Baseball Commission confirms Cuban prospect Jeison Martínez’s departure from the country

| 05/01/2021 – 1:24 PM (GMT-4)

The National Baseball Commission (CNB) confirmed the departure from the country of the young Cuban prospect Jeison Martínez, player of the Hurricanes team.

A source close to the player exclusively confirmed to CiberCuba hours before that the young man left Cuba for the Dominican Republic on January 3.

The confirmation appeared in a press release from the CNB referring to the resumption of the 60th National Baseball Series, suspended after several players were positive for the coronavirus. especially from the industrial team.

In the CNB note, reproduced by the sports newspaper JitIt is reported that “the athlete Richard Núñez Romero (No. 96 / gardener) joins Mayabeque’s relationship after Yeison Martínez Rodríguez traveled abroad for missing the contract with his team, which is a lack of discipline . “

Martínez, one of the revelations of the 60 National Series with the Hurricanes, is from Mayabeque and turned 21 last October.

In the current baseball season, it was a milestone thanks to the significant quality growth it experienced. Having completed 72 games on the calendar, he was among the first in almost all of the Cuban League’s offensive divisions.

Third in hits (99), sixth in batting average (.365), fourth in runs scored (68) and 26 extra-base hits (15 doubles, 4 triples and 7 homers), the young prospect could be the perfect prototype for any franchise in the league. Major League Baseball (MLB), who would appreciate the player’s versatility in a variety of fields and the growth potential he has, especially in power turns.

In the near future, Martinez is expected to become a free agent and be eligible for Major League Baseball (MLB) in the 2020-2021 international signing period, which begins January 15.

According to journalist Francys Romero, Martínez is “a multi-tool player that MLB organizations value in the present day. He stands out for his contact with the three straps, speed plus, versatility, arm and glove, as short stop and second base dominate the same, as does third base. “

The 60th National Baseball Series began on September 12 no crowd in stadiums, as many expected due to the coronavirus pandemic. Various hygiene measures were taken to achieve the championship, from prohibiting close greetings after a home run or other successful game, to eliminating the exchange of alignments and constantly changing balls.

During this season, several Cuban players have received permission from the MLB to be hired. Cuban pitcher Naikys Piedra or Cuban superprospect Oscar Luis Colás were declared free agents by the MLB Commissioner’s Office at the end of the year. Jeison Martínez could soon be swelling the list of Cuban players playing in the MLB.

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