National Academy of Medicine calls for all public and private sector physicians to be vaccinated against Covid-19

The National Academy of Medicine of Mexico the government asked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that considers everything doctors, both public sector such as private, so they are vaccinated against COVID-19.

By letter addressed to Minister of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela, The agency assured that the vaccination policy is correct, but it must give priority to all health personnel.

“The National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, urges health authorities to consider physicians in general, to view them as a vulnerable group to contract the disease, so that they receive the anti-Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible. “

Read more: These are the modules of Respiratory Care and Rapid Tests Covid in CDMX

In the letter signed by the board of directors of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, he emphasized that the strategy implemented by the Mexican government to vaccinate health personnel caring for patients infected from primary care COVID-19 true, but other health workers are also at risk.

“The rest of health personnel, doctors and general practitioners and all specialties, who work in public and private institutions and medical offices, are also exposed to the disease.”

The document highlighted that the population seeking medical consultations for other diseases may have coronavirus and no symptoms, so health workers are constantly at risk.

“As we know, a large percentage of patients who come to the office for a pathology other than Covid-19 can become infected while asymptomatic and pass the infection on to the doctor. Protecting the health of those who contribute to the well-being of the population is a priority, ”the letter concluded.

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