Monster Hunter Rise ‘Lance’ and ‘Long Sword’ trailers

Monster Hunter Rise 'Lance' and 'Long Sword' trailers

Capcom has released a new set of trailers for Monster Hunter Rise introduction of the weapons Lance and Long Sword.

Here’s an overview of each weapon, via Capcom:


Stoic, balanced and precise. The Lance is a weapon with excellent defense and avoidance capabilities. Guard or dodge enemy attacks to stay on the offensive as much as possible.

“Twin Vine” is a silk tie move that ties you to your target so you can quickly close the hole while guarding!

Long sword

Cool, calm and collected. The Long Sword relies on consecutive slashes to charge the Spirit Gauge and then unleash powerful Spirit Blade attacks, calculated dodges, and counter attacks.

“Serene Pose” is a silkbind attack that channels an incoming attack into a quick counter attack.

Earlier weapon trailers introduced the Bow and Dual Blades.

Monster Hunter Rise is scheduled for Switch on March 26, 2021 worldwide. A temporary demo will be released in January.

Watch the trailers below.

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