Modders fix Valheim’s horrible inventory

Illustration for article entitled Modders Fix Valheim's Terrible Inventory, Odin Be Praised

Screenshot RandyKnapp

Valheim regulationsExploring is fun, building is fun, kiting trolling around islands while quietly crying to yourself tapping the knife-edge of death is fun. But nothing is perfect, especially early access games. So I don’t think we should kid ourselves here: ValheimThe inventory is stupid. All credit to Odin for modders.

Although the amazingly popular The survival game mod scene is very, very young, modders are already gone pig crazy with quality of life improvementsThat’s good because ValheimThe inventory, in particular, is limited and choosy. Some of this – the small size in particular – is intentional and encourages players to congregate on common bases and work together to build items like carts to carry more supplies.

But other elements just don’t make sense. For example, armor stays in your inventory even when equipped, takes up valuable space and forces you to stop every five minutes and throw resources into the forest to compensate. And throw that you have to, because you can’t just destroy items you don’t need. This is also annoying: suppose you get back to your base and realize you have unnecessary resources or equipment. Do you mess up your party’s crates with it, lug it away from your base and drop the items on the floor, or annoy everyone by dropping items on the floor in your base (this is me).

Fortunately, a handful of inventory modes can alleviate all of these problems. First, there is the “Equipment and Quick Slots” mod by RandyKnapp. It gives equipped items their own separate inventory segment, and it also gives you a few extra quick-key slots – useful for drinks and the like. If you still find yourself running out of space (and you will), then the “Dispose of inventory items” mod Aedenthorn is probably the best choice. Allows you to select and permanently delete items. Be warned: This means they will disappear forever, so choose wisely.

If you want to stretch a little further beyond the game’s intended boundaries, there is also the “MoreSlots” mod by Fang86. It gives you more supply slots, with the caveat that you do not lose the items upon death. “That’s a bit of a cheat, so you might be against it trying to play purely. If you just want to take it with you your unhinged architectural dreams however, to life – the rest of the game is doomed – then knock yourself out.

I have only scratched the surface of already available Valheim mods. If you want more overall quality of life improvements, the “Valheim Plus ”mod by NX_ is a must. It improves building and allows players to adjust statistics. If you’re looking for something a little less practical, you can take it too the first-person mod by Kailen_ for a twist. Finally, you can get a closer look at Greydwarves’ awful little faces (and your overflowing inventory).

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