Mijares confesses what he feels when he sees Lucero with another couple | News from El Salvador

The artist revealed his feelings in the interview with Yordi Rosado.

His beginnings, his love affairs and his marriage to the famous singer Lucero were some of the themes depicting the singer Manuel Mijares discussed in The Interview with Yordi Rosado, broadcast last night on the Mexican driver and announcer’s YouTube channel.

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Amused and smiling, the artist remembered his beginnings in music, but also went back in time to the sad moment of his childhood when his father’s health was weakened by cysticercosis that had left him ill for about 24 years.

The interview with Manuel Mijares was fun and full of anecdotes. Photo shot IG @yordirosaooficial

Inevitably the subject of Lucero, his ex-wife, from whom he divorced after 14 years of marriage, and with whom he has an enviable friendship. Yordi asked about this: “If she has a partner, it doesn’t hurt you, how do you say it! Does it hurt that I already see her with someone?

Lucero and Mijares’ marriage lasted 14 years. Photo archive

Note that no, not because you feel good when you love someone and you know they are happy. When that pain sets in, it’s because you think about yourself first, ”Bella’s interpreter replied.

As to what Lucero might feel in relation to Mijares and other couples, he said he didn’t ask, but believes the same thing happens to her. “She would like to see me happy and content,” he said the singer.

Lucero and Manuel Mijares sing the song “My universe”. Photo: Screenshot

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Mijares has 35 years of career and 31 albums with many successes. This year he releases his first Christmas album in which the song “My universe” stands out, which he sings in duet with his daughter. Lucero mijares.
