Microsoft Edge 89 brings vertical tabs and new history view

Microsoft has officially released version 89 of its popular Chromium-based Edge browser, bringing its long trial vertical tabs feature to Mac for the first time.

microsoft edge vertical tabs

Vertical tabs are intended to make more efficient use of screen space and should be a particularly welcome addition to users browsing 16: 9 aspect ratio screens. Users can click vertical tabs to switch between these tabs and any related tabs. group tabs together.

“To make tab management and organization easier, vertical tabs are now generally available this month,” said Microsoft Corporate VP Liat Ben-Zur in a blog post from the company. Now anyone can view and manage their tabs with a single click in a side pane. This allows you to clearly see the tab titles and controls, making it easier to find and switch between the tabs you want, no matter how many tabs you have. needs. have open. “

Edge users can switch between horizontal and vertical tabs by clicking the new “Enable / Disable Vertical Tabs” icon at the far left of the row of tabs. By default, vertical tabs appear as icons unless you hover the mouse over them, but the expanded pane can also be docked to the left of the browser window so that the title of each page remains visible.

In addition to vertical tabs, Edge now includes a new way to view browsing history. Now when users go to history, it will open as a lightweight dropdown from the toolbar instead of opening the full page view in the settings. The idea is that it allows users to easily search, access and manage their history without having to navigate away. For users who prefer the original style, this dropdown can also be pinned as a panel to the right of the browser window.

Microsoft Edge has won over many users with its frequent feature updates and the tight integration of Microsoft’s design language with macOS’s design signature. The last major update came in January and introduced several new features, including “sleep tabs” that release system resources, a password generator and monitor, new visual themes, and more.

The browser can be downloaded from the Microsoft Edge website.
