Mexico: what is the price of the dollar today, Monday March 8, 2021? Exchange rate | Quotation | Mexican peso | Banamex | SAT NNDC | ECONOMY

Reuters Agency

The exchange rate in Mexico, it rose to its highest level in more than four months on Monday, while the US dollar rose and there was a general recovery in US Treasury yields.

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The dollar It traded at 21,5040 Mexican pesos, up 0.95% from the Reuters reference price on Friday. In early morning international operations, the dollar rose to 21.6310 units.

The dollar reached a three-month high, while 10-year bond yields hovered around its more than a year high.

These moves took place after the Senate U.S approved a $ 1.9 trillion bailout plan on Saturday to tackle COVID-19.

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A positive US jobs report sent the dollar to its highest level on the last Friday since November 2020.

The exchange rate in Mexico, it had its third weekly gain on Friday, while gaining more than 8% for the year.


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