Mexico, exchange rate today: how much is the dollar today Wednesday March 17, 2021 | Exchange rate | Mexican peso | Quotation | Banamex | SAT | MX | NNDC | MEXICO

The exchange rate appreciated in the Mexican market on Wednesday amid the global rise of the dollar and with a focus on the later release of the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) monetary policy announcement, Reuters reported. .

The US currency thus traded at 20.7060 Mexican pesos, gaining 0.41% compared to the Reuters reference price on Tuesday.

“The monetary entity’s Federal Open Market Committee is expected to issue its statement later after a two-day meeting”Reuters reported.

At a local level, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Wednesday accused two Canadian mining companies of illegal activities in the country and warned against withdrawing their concessions if they fail to correct their operation.

“Hopefully the government of Canada will help us otherwise we will act legally”, the president of the left-wing National Regeneration Movement (Morena) spoke out during his morning press conference at the National Palace.

In particular, the president pointed out the Cosalá mine (Sonora), managed by the Canadian gold and silver in America, where the workers unionized “But because the company doesn’t like it, it doesn’t want to start operations.”

As a result of this conflict, López Obrador asked Mexican Foreign Relations Minister Marcelo Ebrard to “Talk to the government of Canada and explain this situation.”

“ It should not be taken as a threat or warning, but if legality is not respected, the government can withdraw the concession and there will be no shortage of companies working in mine by law, ” said the president.

Freedom of association was one of the foundations of the labor reform that Mexico promoted to sign the new free trade agreement with the United States and Canada (T-MEC), which has been in effect since July last year.

López Obrador also criticized that in the Tayolitita mine (Durango) the Canadian First Majestic “Don’t want to pay taxes” and is looking for international bodies to prevent this.

With information from Reuters and EFE.
