Meghan Markle rejects Queen Elizabeth, will not attend her birthday and the pretense that made her unworthy

Again, The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, sparked controversy by rejecting Queen Elizabeth for not attending her birthday, and the pretense which he called unworthy, because it is not justified. Prince Harry’s wife has not seen the Queen since they abdicated, and it seems she has no plans to do so anytime soon.

A few days ago it was announced that Henry of Sussex, better known as Prince Harry, would be meeting for the first time since then Megxit with her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth on her 95th birthday, which she will officially celebrate at the big Trooping of Color event on June 12. Nevertheless, Meghan Markle won’t be there, and neither will little Archie.

According to the author of her biography Finding Freedom, Omid Scoobie, the Duchess of Sussex’s plans are in the air due to current global health concerns, so she has no plans to visit the Queen of the United Kingdom for her birthday, She couldn’t take Archie with her, and she doesn’t want to leave him with her.

“Meghan would not want to be away from Archie and it would be very difficult to take a small child on her travels with all limitations,” OK!

Likewise, Scoobie stated that any meeting you have with Queen Elizabeth, or any other member of the royal family, It will be through Zoom, because little Archie loves these encounters with the monarch.

“Archie loves making phone calls with the Zoom family and the Queen has loved it all the time.”

However, the author of the book believed that this decision is not Meghan’s disregard for the family, but a prevention because of the health risks. However, this is not the first time the Duchess has “fled” from living with her husband’s family.

In contrast, royal expert Nigel Cawthrone, author of the book Prince Andrew, made it clear that, by not attending Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, the former actress would disapprove of the royal family.

If Meghan decided not to attend for no reason, it would be a disdain for her royal in-laws and mark a low point in the relationship between the royal family and the Sussexes. It would be a public relations disaster that would cast a dark shadow over the celebrations, ”he emphasized.

Trooping the color

Like every year Queen Isabel he celebrates his traditional birthday in style with a great event attended by his whole family, Trooping the Color. However, this time it will be no exception It will be done in a very different way, in accordance with the health risk authorities’ recommendations.

And is that, the monarch is determined to return to workAfter a whole year of imprisonment, in which she was held in his palace with her husband, Felipe de Edimburgo, to avoid contracting the virus.

And however Enrique de Sussex has already confirmed his presence, and even everything seems to indicate that he will also be next to his grandfather for his 100th birthday, his wife Meghan Markle will remain in the United States, in his $ 14 million mansion.

“I’m sure Meghan will send the Queen some pretty flowers for her birthday and Archie will help her with the card too,” said the author of Finding Freedom.

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