Meghan Markle appreciates the support in her lawsuit

In October 2019, the Prince Harry announced that a legal battle would be waged against the tabloids over an invasion of privacy Meghan MarkleEverything is derived from a letter written by the Duchess of Sussex in 2018 that Associated Newspapers Limited made public through its publications Mail On Sunday and Mail Online in February of the same year. Since then, Meghan would engage in a fierce battle in which all sorts of details came to light, winning some confrontations but losing others that raised doubts about where she would remain in the case. In October last year, the Duchess’s legal team requested a postponement of the trial scheduled for January for confidentiality reasons, something the judge accepted and decided that a new hearing would take place earlier this year. In it, Sussex’s lawyers asked that the case be resolved without going to court, a situation that arose this morning when the judge ruled in Meghan’s favor, something the Duchess celebrated.



Four former Meghan employees stand out in their legal battle against the tabloids

Meghan reaches an agreement on one of her lawsuits

Meghan’s statement

After two long years of fighting this lawsuit, I am grateful to the courts for holding Associated Newspapers and The Mail on Sunday responsible for their illegal and inhumane practices. These tactics (and those of sister publications MailOnline and the Daily Mail) are not new, in fact, they have been going on for a long time without consequences. It’s a game for those messages. For me and many others it is real life, real relationships and very real sadness. The damage that has been done and is still being done is great, ”the message begins.

“The world needs reliable, revised and high-quality news. What the Mail on Sunday and its sister publications do is the opposite. We all lose when misinformation trumps truth, when moral exploitation is worth more than decency, and when companies create their business models by capitalizing on people’s painBut today, with this all-encompassing victory in terms of both privacy and copyright, we’ve all won. We now know and hope that this sets legal precedent, that you cannot take someone’s privacy and abuse it in a privacy case, as the defendant has blatantly done for the past two years. “


“I share this victory with all of you because we all deserve justice and truth, and we all deserve (something) better,” continued Meghan’s message: “In particular, I want to thank my husband, my mother and my legal team, and in particular to Jenny Afia for her tireless support during this process, ‘he concluded, referring to his attorney.

Despite Meghan’s message referring to both aspects of her lawsuit, copyright has yet to be established and there will be a hearing in March when legal action will be determined. On this matter, Judge Warby pointed out that while copyright was infringed, it remains to be determined whether Meghan wrote the letter alone or did so with the support of her team.What he won this Thursday was the elimination of the possibility of the trial scheduled for October, which would mean Meghan and her father, Thomas Markle, would meet in court. The editors have recently announced that they are analyzing the possibility of an appeal.

Meghan would not have written the letter of her lawsuit against the tabloids alone

Judge Warby said of the case this morning: “Plaintiff had a reasonable expectation that the contents of the letter would remain private. The Mail articles disrupted this reasonable expectation. About the publication, he said, “The only likely justification for such interference is to correct some inaccuracies in the letter.” He added, “The conclusion that cannot be escaped is that, except to a very limited extent, , found that the disclosures made were not necessary or proportionate to the intended purposes. For the most part they made no sense. In general, the disclosures were excessive and therefore illegal. ”

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