Meet Fede Figueroa, Joan Sebastian’s handsome cousin who falls in love in networks

Social media has gone crazy Recently after the presence of the handsome cousin of Joan Sebastian, This is Fede Figueroa, who is already stealing hearts through the redes sociales.

Its fame and popularity because of this platforms It is not only due to his enviable life in the Rancho or his peculiar way of singing the regional genre Mexican, but one more of those aspects To do stand out is your sympathy in each photo

In this sense, it should be noted that the cousin by Joan Sebastian is one of his family members who kept the memory of his uncle alive after his terrible one death

After the departure of famous singer, Fede Figueroa proven hard work to keep his uncle’s memory intact, which is why he strives to keep this genre alive musical, in addition to replicating the peculiar lifestyle that wore the ex-husband of Maribel Guardia.

This is how it turns out easy to go to conquer social networks, this through post that he is performing on his Instagram profile, where you can see that the famous person is enjoying life in the Rancho

Fede Figueroa inherited the voice from his uncle, Joan Sebastian. Photo: Instagram.

Impress with your voice

Moreover, it is because of this profile where Fede Figueroa, with a Bill already verified, publishes several witnesses honoring his beautiful voice.

Also in one of his recent publications can be seen as an interpretation of a meloda from the Mexican region as a soloist and even has collaborations with Alfredo Olivas.

He has also been seen in close to with singers the size of Julin Alvarez, Best Line, Including Joss Favela with whom is expected to have some kind of participation soon musical

While this is happening, Fede Figueroa continues to conquer networks and hearts through her sympathy and talented voice.

