Maxi Montilla dice no hizo negocios con institución con la que tuviera impedimento por known

Santo Domingo, RD.

Maxi Montilla has an institution level sales right with a trusty razor blades, a bachelor party in the queue and a sector competence in the sector of the sector in 2012-2020, in view of the market, the Mediterranean.

“The prize is at an institute in the queue of the known familiarity, according to artículo 14, number 5, on the Ley 340-06 of Compras.

Nuestro interés or aclarar todas las imputaciones que se no realizado and través de campañas mediáticas promovidas por competidores, que han aprovechado esta coyuntura para, the manera aviesa, tratar de destruir nuestra reputación espacio de place of on the realizado en unado ‘, señala public en unado’, señala hoy.

A place for communication with different types of data with a new sector of the electrical sector and with the other automatic authorizations of the Ministerio Público, for a “disposition and start to a documentación request with a relación and a laser engraving against the background of a certain document, que se ha derivado a partir de las mismas ”.

“Without an embargo, it is a well-defined problem and an answer to the question, with a few seconds and a limited number of defenders and a personal title,” dice in the communication.

Montilla dice are present for the Procuraduría General de la República el Pasado 3 or a posteriormente depositó una comunicación en la que estableció su disposición de aclarar, personal y responsablemente, cualquier point de interés del Ministerio Público.

“In the first case, in the past, in the first place, on the other side of the sector, on the other side of the television, on the other side of the version, at the end of time, at the end of a series of an investigation “, dice in communication.

El Hermano de Candida Montilla, pasada primera dama del país, dice que en la actualidad, las distribuidoras de electricidad tienen deudas vencidas and más from 270 días, pese and que los materiales vendidos “fueron entregados como products of processos de licitaciones públicasb, que contasabúbúb con certificación de suficiencia de fondos ”.

Montilla se queja de que el pago debió realizarse sin requerimiento alguno a los 60 days a partir de la emisión de factura

“The only material that is recycled by the forma satisfactory, contando en caso con informs the evaluación técnica. Esto es muestra de la incistencia de trato preferencial que se nos imputa ”, dice.

Maxi Montilla is one of the most important commercial activities in the sector of the electrical sector in 2004, the exclusive sale of one month until 2008, with the transformers, the Solomon Dominicana and the electrical appliances and the other electrical appliances.

Comunicado completo

Verdades de Maxy Montilla is unknown

Nuestro nombre y nuestras empresas han sido objeto de imputaciones and redes sociales and and algunos medios de communicación tradicionales, que han decidido abrirnos un juicio con posiciones concluyentes.

And the view of the city, the average size of the car and the drawers of the kitchen of the kitchen, a básicamente and a familiar, work and work area.

Ante Todo, Queremos Hacer de Conocimiento Público and Hemos Tratado de Comunicarnos or Diversas Vías with nuevas autoridades del sector eléctrico en las más Altas autoridades of ministerio público, para ponernos and suzaregión de las vegas and a document containing a new document requires nuestra contra y todo lo que se ha derivado a partir de las mismas.

Sin embargo, it is the only time that it is tacit and de indiferencia como respuesta, con lo cual en señales de limitaciones and nuestro derecho and defendernos de los ataques despiadados and nuestra persona.

This is one of the current views in the Procuraduría General of the República of the Pasado 3 of the last and the last validity of the communication in the queue, personal and responsablemente, official point of the ministerio público.

In the first case, in English, in the form of a star, the funcionarios of the sector of the electric sector, the television and the despotricar, or the version of the version, the time with a specific time or a series of a research on the rigurosa.

In the commercial sector and the electrical sector in 2004, the exclusive manual activity in 2008, with the empresas Transformadores Solomon Dominicana, SAS and Electrocable Aluconsa, SAS and other relacionadas firms.

This is a personal image of a mayor of the Todas empresas, the Cuales and the Encuentran Al Día and the Todas Sus Susanne Tributarias.

Nuestros estados financieros son auditados por firmas de auditores independent con acreditación internacional.

Nuestras empresas poseen, from 2008, oficinas administrativas, almacenes y campamentos; contamos con estructura retourcial y operativa y with un personal altamente calificado and especializado, tanto and nivel national como and el extranjero (específicamente and República Popular China).

There is an authorized participation in the form of a competition and a common sector, various representations and a number of exclusive representations and the manufacture of materials and materials with a colocan and a unique position in the sector.

With a history of 16 years in the sector of the sector, a high degree of inflow and an external client, with a steady participation in the estatal como in the sector of the sector, an individual beneficiary of the countertaciones with a multilateral organization, with a bank in the United States (BID).

Prior to the start of the validity period of the sale and sale of large quantities, more service points with guarantees to extend production costs and the capacity of the regeneration.

See no contratos de exclusivad with materials que no cumplen con esa condición, lo cual es FALSO. Solo some suplidores únicos en el renglón de los medidores telemedios / Twacs, pues poseemos representación exclusiva of the empresa norteamericana ACLARA TECHNOLOGIES, the cual inicion the su technología of medir consumo and evitar robo de energía de energy fraud.

There is a technical and user-friendly way of working with a fully satisfactory company, a nuestro sector and another international sector of the landing site in the country.

The commercial relaciones of ACLARA TECHNOLOGIES at the end of 2012 and an extensive evaluation of the technical data, exclusive exclusive representations for the year on the year 2013.

Igualmente, se nos ha acusado falsamente de beneficiarnos de un supuesto canal de pago preferencial. The medio’s of the pago of it are those different other than the unrelated suplidores, that and the billing of one party and another.

In current affairs, the sale of tens with a validity of 270 days, and some of the materials sold in the form of a legalized product, with a valid warranty of validity. This is a fact, but it is also possible that you realize that it is necessary to pay 60 days after the invoice, it is a difference between the different contratos and the use of the distribution.

The only material you can find provides the opportunity for satisfaction, contando and caso con informs the evaluation of the technical data. It is the preferred place of import first.

It is part of the time that it has been sold at an institution and a trusted image of the trusted device, according to the article 14 digit 5 ​​of the price 340-06 to the contrary.

Ciertamente, from 2004 to the multicolored hemos and the compra-compra, pero de hemos de perdido muchos. This is one of the most important data of the transparencia and the other suplidores, the customer’s subcontratistas and privados and the testimonio sobre la calidad de nuestros products and services and nuestras ofertas económicas dan cuenta de la competitividad de nuestros de lotian of non- competividad de nuestros de lot-en-quos in a number of processes.

Nuestro interés of aclarar todas las imputaciones que se no realizado and través de las campañas mediáticas promovidas por competidores, que han aprovechado esta coyuntura para, the manera aviesa, tratar de destruir nuestra realizado.

There is no data in the entry and authorization, informaciones and documentaciones that are not available in the environment and against the background.

Maxy Montilla
