Mauricio Mejía says he dated Juan Osorio for a role

Actor Mauricio Mejía has caused enormous controversy after he “pulled the producer out” Juan Osorio on his Instagram account. It was in this way that the famous confessed that he had dated a former Televisa producer of Niurka Marcos to get a character on television.

Mauricio Mejía answered questions from his followers on the social network and was asked if he had dated anyone to get a role, speaking bluntly about Niurka Marcos’ ex on Instagram.

True false. Did you go out with a Televisa producer to make a novel? Was the question they asked the famous.

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Tremendous commotion in social networks by claiming to have dated Juan Osorio; Some even wonder if he was joking, but at no point did he take his answers as a joke.

That’s right. With Niurka’s ex. I’m all sorry. I’m sorry for you, the famous wrote about a picture of him smiling, the same one he used for all his answers.

Alejandro Zúñiga, presenter, took over these publications on his YouTube channel, where he pointed out that it was apparently not a joke and stressed that it was an exchange and Mejía dated the producer of Love Wins in exchange for a character in one of his soap operas.

Here it is important to understand several things, the first; that all the questions they asked him, I never saw him joking. Everything he apparently answered truthfully. Here he says that he had a relationship with a producer from Televisa; at the end of the day he says it was an exchange; Go out with someone to get you a job … he says with Niurka’s ex, and the only ex working at Televisa is Juan Osorio.

According to Alejandro Zúñiga, Mauricio Mejía tries to get attention through his partners and that’s why he usually releases this type of information. A list of this actor’s loves has been released in the past, and there are those who point out that he himself disclosed the list.

They tell me that Mauricio always tries to attract attention in a staggered way; Bring out a scandal Nowadays there are those who believe that the list that appeared on TV Notes where all their former lovers were mentioned was leaked by himself. He said it was a friend, but there are those who think he was the one who published the list. He wanted it to be known.

On several occasions, the handsome actor has pointed out that he has dated many celebrities who have not come out, so out of respect he does not share their names; but the list revealed was not very respectful of that.

Have you ever had an actor’s boyfriend? … It’s true. Not one, many. I can’t name them because there are several more in the closet, he noted.

With regard to Lambda García, Mauricio Mejia He was not saved from whether there was anything between him and the host and actor. The famous man pointed out that there was nothing between them, but took the opportunity to designate Polo Morín as “a madman”.

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Have you driven a Lambda? … Not true. That was made up by her ex because she is crazy, wrote Mauricio.

So far, neither Mauricio has given more details about “the exit”, nor has producer Juan Osorio commented on these comments. Could it be that everything is a lie?
