Mateo Bravo, the goalkeeper who nearly had a heart attack for stopping Tuca

Monterrey, NL /

Throughout football’s history, Tigres exporter Mateo Bravo acknowledges that Ricardo Ferretti has been one of the players with the most shooting ability, so he recalled one of his anecdotes from his time as a player.

This was on the RG La Deportiva program, in La Hora de Willie, where Mateo spoke about the occasion when, as a UANL goalkeeper, he stopped a penalty against Tuca, a shot that hit him in the chest and suffered the consequences.

Bravo went to hospital at risk of a heart attack, so he had to stay in the hospital for prevention.

“At the end of the game I felt bad, in the locker room. As a precaution, they sent me to the University Hospital for Cardiology. When they took off my shirt, I marked the ball. They watched me all night to a heart attack. ‘Tuca’ is one of the players who hits the ball hardest. “

“The whole stadium was calling my name, but I didn’t even remember it because of the pain. It hit him very hard. On that occasion we defeated Pumas, we left them out, ”recalls the legend of Tigres.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
