Marvel’s Avengers is the straw that broke the camel’s back with PS4 to PS5 upgrades

Marvel's Avengers PS5 PlayStation 5

Poor old Marvel’s Avengers just can’t take a break, right? This week would be the big next-generation relaunch, with new Hawkeye content timed to come out next to it – instead, everyone can only talk about how bad PlayStation 5’s upgrade procedure is. For the record, we think the exaggeration shared on social media is uncomfortably exaggerated – but this is clearly an area that Sony could and should improve.

In Square Enix’s defense, we had no problem getting the PS5 version on the PS Store and the download – which is more than can be said about Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, both of which were overheard by existing PS4 owners at launch. The bigger problem for Marvel’s Avengers – or certainly the thing the Goat of the Internet has – is the way files are transferred.

For those of you who have played games like Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Sackboy: A Big Adventure, it’s a familiar process – you upload your saved files from the PS4 version and download them to the PS5 version. This should be a lot cleaner, of course – Xbox Series X | S automatically transfers your progress – but we believe people who see this as some sort of mind-blowing procedure are laughable.

Nevertheless, we have had to wait a long time for some updates to the PS5’s firmware, which were clearly appreciated. Overall, we’re happy with many of the features and functions of Sony’s next-gen console, it just has some obvious quirks that can be ironed out. We’re confident the system will be much tidier by the end of the year – in the meantime, you’ll need to set aside an extra few minutes to transfer your PS4 storage if you plan on playing Marvel’s Avengers. .
