Marvel solves Avengers: Endgame riddle Who is Noobmaster69?

Mexico City

Marvel Studios has had a successful career in all of his films since 2008 and took advantage of the good move of telling the story of his various characters, who later became the Avengers, but there is one where doubts still arose among fans of the MCU, but today it was revealed.

And it is that after 11 years of comic book adventures Stan Lee, Marvel ended the saga with Avengers: EndgameWith a three-hour film the end of the UCM had epic moments that took everyone by surprise, such as the death of Iron Man and Black Widowwho gave everything to save others.

Among other points is Thor, which appears five years after the first photo of Thanos. In avengers: Infinity War, The God of Thunder is the one closest to ending the worse, but no matter how hard he tries to destroy him, he gets his way.

And that’s exactly why at the beginning of Endgame He seems very depressed and even overweight without that athletic body he has gotten us used to since he quit sports, started eating more and drinking beer and playing video games, but when he thinks it’s all over, like Avenger, Hulk and Rocket travel to Asgard to recruit for a new mission.

Thor refuses the request of his friends and former teammates as he reveals the life he is now living. And it’s right there when Miek and Korg are portrayed playing Fortnite and having a verbal dispute with someone called Noobmaster69.

Who is Noobmaster69?

In the commercial, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) appears in a store to test a console and the employee who visits him is exactly Noobmaster69, played by DC Pierson. His role also featured in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), where he appeared as an Apple Store attendant.
