Mariela Castro critic of actor Erdwin Fernández by no defender of castrismo and EEUU

Notices from Cuba

Castro compartió una publicación de un grupo castrista en Facebook la cual ataca al artista por exigir libertad de expresión en la Isla

Mariela Castro critic of actor Erdwin Fernández by no defender of castrismo and EEUU

Mariela Castro criticized actor Erdwin Fernández by not being a supporter of Castrismo and EEUU. (Collage: Erdwin Fernandez Collado-Facebook y Granma)

Mariela Castro is a contradictory actor Erdwin Fenández Collado by critic of the Gobierno castrista in the queue of Cuba and the current state of life and different types of violent wars.

Castro is a publicación of a grupo castrista and Facebook the current ataca or artista, quien ha sido premiado por sus actuaciones and doblajes.

El Grupo. Denominado and Facebook com “Desmintiendo a los enemigos de la Revolución Cubana” compartió una image of the actor during a visit to Miami a junto and a teksto near the hipócrita.

The depiction against the art of managing war and the choice of a Fernández through an EEUU and a place of residence for castrism and against the blokeo in Cuba is a critic of the freedom of the expression.

Mariela Castro critic of actor Erdwin Fernández by no defender of castrismo and EEUU

Mariela Castro criticized actor Erdwin Fernández by not being a supporter of Castrismo and EEUU. (Captura de pantalla: Mariela Castro Espín-Facebook)

The publication of a compartment by Mariela Castro, one of the Caras and the Conocidas of the Cubano.

Mariela Castro has a conscience of the consciousness of the consecuencias and part of the participation and a new como este and new social contacts, a director of the national Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (Cenesex) and sobretodo la sobrina del fallecido gobernante cubano Fidel Castro .

It is a counterpart to the artist in the queue of Fernández critic and the social status of the Isla comunista is not a custom for the celebrity and defender of Yunior Morales, el locutor oficialista que ha demostrado descontento ante las recientes decisions del Gobierno cubano.

“Lo dije lo repito y lo mantengo. Valentines birthday. It is clear that mistakes have been made and that there are no similarities ”, indicó el actor en esa ocasión.

The viewpoint of Fernández, the current view of the doctrina del castrismo and the object of the defense of the revolución, solve the current news a difference in the output of the audio para reprimir a aquellos que no piensan igual.

A finals de noviembre, Mariela Castro realized a similar cuando critó a los artistas Leoni Torres, Haydée Milanés and Carlos Varela by maestrar su apoyo al Movimiento San Isidro, el cual se encontraba and huelga de hambre exigiendo la libertad del rapero cubano Denis Solís.
