Manny Cruz’s wife tube has been removed

According to the artist, singer Manny Cruz’s wife has already had the tube she breathed out of.

Yeri, who had to undergo emergency surgery almost a week ago to give birth to her daughter Monserrat, was in a fragile health condition after being struck by the coronavirus, an illness affecting the singer and the couple’s other three-year-old son.

The photo of pneumonia she contracted took her to the Intensive Care room, where she was intubated, a trial from which she was released today.

The singer made several calls to pray for the health of his wife, who was joined by thousands of followers.

“With immense joy and immense joy in my heart, I tell you that a few hours ago they removed my wife Yeri’s tube, thanks to Almighty Lord !!!”

The baby is in good health, the artist himself wrote in an earlier message, so he hopes that he will soon be home like his mother.
