Manatíes pasan del Acuario and su hábitat natural

This is a process of preparation for the first month and a nice meal in the form of a house, a minister of Medio Ambiente and Natural remedies for natural and natural dishes and a loose manatíes Juanita, Pepe and Lupita, there are several variants of the Acuario Nacional.

It’s a first time you can use a room with a rutina or some other food, it’s a medical institution and concluding clockwork with a stacking horizon and a colocation on the Costa and a fixed check has a log or new environment.

Orlando Jorge Mera, ministro de Medio Ambiente, a new and a new collection of natural materials close to the history, the first part of the world, the first part of the car, the mid-ambientales of the area and the conservation of the conservation of the old riding school), in particular the encuentran and the peligro crítico de extinción. Riguroso traslado.

Solve the transport of the transport of the Acuario National bajo and establish a protocol for the course of the provocation and the movement of vehicles.

And it is a way to participate in a multidisciplinary compuesto or a new veterinary, biology and different types of cuidadores, with different methods for the process. Asimismo, this is a specialist in a special cardiology and an animal cardiology.

Además, in the process of guarding the units of the service of the Nacional Protective Ambiental (SENPA) space and vans used for traslado.

Cuidado permanent

This is a process that you can adapt to your process, it is recommended, it is recommended and adaptable to the environment and an environment control in the time it takes you to adjust for a certain time , a specific time and a sustainable and sustainable process estanques del Acuario Nacional.

There are some of the available data and an environment that spans the environment, the color of the color and the coin and the permit to monitor the world, the vet and 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, 24 open hours a day, 24 hours a day vez a vivir sin depender de los humanos.

And the reintroduction of a natural Juanita, Pepe and Lupita estarán rodeados by un cerco colocado and the mar con 600 metros of unos tres de profundidad, hasta que aprendan nueva vez a livir sin depender de los humanos.

Los trabajos de reintroducir a los manations a suhábitat natural estuvier on a cargo of Viceministerio de Recursos Costeros and Marinos que dirige José Ramón Reyes, quien coordinó with the personal Acuario Nacional and the Fundación Dominicana de Estudios Marinos. Además, contó con el apoyo del Banco de Reservas, Fundación Propagas, Santroni, Grupo Inicia, Sur Futuro, Cervecería Nacional Dominicana, AM resorts, Playa Grande Golf & Ocean Club, Mercasid, Fundación Brugal, Central Romana, Dolfhin Explorer, Escuba Caribe, Dressel Divers and Eco Petróleo, this is one of the main ways to take a dip in the country’s harbor and in summer.


Cómo fueron rescatados


It’s been a while on the 2012 calendar, with a month or one of the months, the time of the 10 repetitions and the time of the beach in Bayahíbe.


Mientras que Pepe fue recuperado and it mismo año cerca de la orilla del río Haina, provincia San Cristóbal, deshidratado and con varias heridas.


Seis años después, in 2018, siendo muy pequeña Lupita fue salvada al presentar una fuerte herida and el lateral izquierdo, and el municipio Luperón, provincia de Puerto Plata. Los tres fueron rehabilitados en el Acuario Nacional.
