Lucero launches spectacular single with her daughter

He is very happy Lucero Since it’s premiering, and it’s that tomorrow in his liked ‘Much to Tell’ section that he publishes on his official YouTube channel, he’ll be talking about a big surprise.
“I recorded with my is Lucero Mijares the song ‘Gloria a ti‘and we are launching it on digital platforms on February 12th for everyone to hear. We are very excited, this song was included in the Pop Live I did in 2020 “.

On this subject, says Lucero “It is from the Spanish singer Rosario, who gave us very positive reactions, and it is going very well as a mother and daughter because she talks about a very special love, an infinite love”.

The singer is happy.

Added A lot of people tell my daughter when she launches soloist, that when you add your disco, who already has fans, and she is very happy with the affection of the people. But we’ll see what fate has in store for her, and if she decides to do it, and I’ll be there to support her 1000 percent. “.

Lucero and Lucerito.

Finally he gave a detail of the young woman, I say ‘baby’, but her father says ‘drink’ because she was the baby of the family, the smallest, although she likes to be called Lucero “.

Lucero and her youngest daughter.
