Lima Alliance | Agustín Lozano and the blunt response to the request to eliminate the 2020 decline | Competition 1 | NCZD | FOOTBALL PERUVIAN

League 1 of the 2020 season ended a few weeks ago, leaving Sporting Cristal as champion. But it also left questions about some clubs’ requests to shut down the relegation. The president of the Peruvian Football Association, Agustín Lozano, spoke about it and he was powerful.

“The Federation cannot break the bases approved from the start. We could never do that”Assured the manager in an interview with Fútbol and América.

On the other hand, Lozano hinted that there will be no response to the request for Lima Alliance. “All documents reaching a club’s board of directors are handled accordingly and anyone who obeys to provide an answer will do so in a serious and responsible manner. If it is not appropriate to provide an answer, we are not obliged to do so, ”he indicated.

“We treat all club documents equally. Those of us who are legally required to respond because it is our competence, we do it; those who don’t, don’t “added Lozano, who did not rule out or confirm that he was running for election in the FPF.

The same, Agustin Lozano emphasized the work of the FPF committees. “Each of the institutions has acted with great fairness and fairness, and that makes me feel good as President of the FPF (…) The authorities must respect the sporting results and we must respect the decisions of independent committees”, said.

That became known on December 19 Lima Alliance has submitted a document to the FPF requesting that there is no refusal. The letter, promoted by the Blue and White Fund, SUNAT and the labor creditors, was sent by General Manager Kattia Bohórquez, who expressed a wish that all existing requirements in the licensing rules would be met.
