Korean retailers drive a bus in their short-seller ‘war’

Source: Korea Stockholers Alliance

In the US, small investors have defied short sellers by partnering online, renting billboards in Times Square, and even flying banners from airplanes; in Korea they drive by bus.

A group of influential Korean retailers have declared ‘a war on short sellers’ under a campaign they are calling ‘K-streetbets’, mimicking the gamblers on Reddit’s now famous WallStreetBets forum that a wave of video game store GameStop Corp. coordinated to suppress short sellers.

On Saturday, the Korea Stockholders Alliance launched a “bus campaign” to get its anti-short-selling message heard.

The bus is painted with cartoons of people holding up signs saying things like ‘I hate short selling’, ‘short selling should be abolished’ and a call to regulate the Financial Services Commission on stocks, which is responsible for resuming short selling sales, “dissolved”. He will drive around the capital Seoul for an hour every day from today until sometime in March. On the route: the Blue House, the FSC building and the National Assembly in the financial district of the city.

The pressure is the latest from the nearly 30,000-strong group of day traders to impose a permanent ban on short selling that Korea imposed early last year to tame the markets as the pandemic spread.
