keys to this model of dog food

The diet BARF for dogs is starting to gain popularity with owners of these pets. What does this diet consist of? Does It Help Your Dog Lose Weight? It is healthy?

The BARF Diet, whose acronym stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Organic suitable raw food, was designed by Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst.

Photo: Source: iStock.
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Its origin is based on the idea that dogs were designed (and their ancestors too) to eat raw food, by concentrating this diet on a diet based on animal protein, with a small percentage of fruits and vegetables, and saying goodbye to animal feed.

Just like their ancestors

This is justified by the fact that dogs are mainly carnivorous animals and their digestive tract is shorter than that of omnivores and herbivoresbecause it is designed for meat consumption.

The main part of the diet is bones, as they contain meat and muscle, which provide most of the dog’s nutritional needs

The BARF diet it is not a weight loss regimen for your dog, but rather a way of feeding the dog healthy products, raw or cooked, as close as possible to that of its wild ancestors.

But is this healthy for our pet? According to Red Canina, some raw foods, such as meat, can contain various pathogens, but since carnivores have a short digestive tract and their digestion, these wastes are quickly eliminated. It is to say, food does not ferment in your digestive system, as it happens with herbivores.

Two dogs in a street in India.  Photo: EFE EPA HARISH TYAGI
Two dogs in a street in India. Photo: EFE EPA HARISH TYAGI

At the same time, dogs are ready to fight bacteria in meatas both their saliva and gastric juices have antibacterial properties.

However, some of those practicing this diet cook lightlyto prevent some of these bacteria from causing serious infections.

What can they eat

Within the BARF diet, the most important part are the bonesbecause they contain meat and muscle, which provides most of the dog’s nutritional needs, such as proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants.

Brighter hair, tartar-free teeth and a stronger immune system are among the benefits of this diet

The bones allowed in this regimen are of chicken or turkey, rabbit and beefalthough you should follow certain recommendations.

Among them is the fact that the bird or rabbit bones you use must contain meatas the risk of splinters is reduced by going with the corresponding meat, and try to vary the type of meat you give it.

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The confidential

For a bit, make sure your dog doesn’t chew the bones and swallow them quickly. If this happens, it is better to grind them well to avoid dangers.

Besides bones, you should feed your dog meat (mainly chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit, beef) healthy fruit with no heart or seeds, such as apple, pear or banana, and vegetables such as spinach, pumpkin or cauliflower.

What are the benefits of the BARF diet

Benefits of the BARF diet include brighter hair, tartar-free teeth, a stronger immune system, a better smell and that your dog will drink less water compared to the food intake, which is drier and forces him to hydrate more.

Once the features of the BARF diet have been explained, remember: always consult an expert veterinarian to find out which is the most appropriate food for your dog, taking into account breed, size, age and specific circumstances.
