Juan Osorio does not remain silent and responds to Daniela Berriel’s father

After the producer Juan Osorio talked about the case of Daniela Berriel, which the actor denounced Gonzalo ‘N’ as an accessory to the sexual assault he experienced in Acapulco a year ago; and although he assured him that the actor’s career hurt him, all actions have consequences.

While he bluntly made sure not to support attacks on women under any circumstances, he did something too bad luck comments towards Daniela, saying she wished the actress hadn’t decided to take this kind of action by the attention “Hopefully this lady really knows how to channel all of this, and not a moment to stand out,” he said at the time.

These statements immediately reached the ears of Berriel’s family, because in social networks a user, claiming to be the actress’s father, burst out against the famous producer and not only called him macho “Dom, I am the father of Daniela Berriel, Victim of two cowards. I know what you said about my daughter, hoping this lady doesn’t do it to stand out. You’re a macho and just as cowardly, ”he wrote.

Continuously: “I am furious that scum like you continues to exist, my daughter is a victim and you dare to express yourself that way about her. I’d like to see you someday so you know I’m here to defend that of little boys like you ”.

Juan Osorio raises his voice

Faced with these controversial statements, a few moments ago Juan Osorio asked Dani and his father through his social networks for a public apology for their unfortunate comments.

Besides making it clear that he made the decision to replace Gonzalo ‘N’ in the telenovela he produces, what will happen to my family?

“It is with shame and shame that I face Daniela Berriel and her father, Mario Berriel, for the misguided and poorly executed comment on my part, and I apologize. I don’t want to offend them at any point, but I also have the shame of getting up and apologizing. And that’s why I made the decision to be the actor in the novel What’s Wrong With My Family? To change, because I totally agree and support women. Mr. Mario, an apology. Daniela, really, from the heart ”.

So far, neither Berriel nor his father have responded.

Juan Osorio raises his voice
