Joe Biden: US President’s First Press Conference Live – US – International

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, announced his new goal of vaccination on Thursday 200 million doses of the vaccine against covid-19 for his 100 days in office, doubling the original promise.

(Read here: Vice President Harris takes on mission to stop migration to the US)

Today I set the second goal, and this is for my 100th day of delivering 200 million doses into people’s armsBiden told reporters at his first press conference since taking office on Jan. 20. The first 100 days of the Biden administration will be April 29.

The White House announced the implementation of a $ 10 billion plan to correct inequality in access to the virus vaccine, which mainly affect ethnic minorities.

The goal is to reach “the most affected and most vulnerable populations, the populations most exposed to the virus,” Biden said.

During this press conference, the Democrat raised several topics. On the one hand, Biden said he wants to run for re-election by 2024. “My plan is to run for re-election. That is my expectationBiden, 78, told reporters when asked about his political future.

He noted that he has “great respect for fate” and that he is not making any firm plans so far, but that if it is presented in 2024, “he would wait completely”. that Vice President Kamala Harris was again his running mate.

Then he talked about North Korea and Afghanistan. As for the recent tensions with Pyongyang, which recently conducted a series of missile tests, Biden pointed out that his country will respond to any kind of provocation. At the same time, he pointed out that diplomatic rapprochement with the North Korean regime will depend on a denuclearization process.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden said he plans to run for re-election in 2024.

On the issue of Afghanistan, he said it is “difficult” to prevent troop withdrawals by May 1. Biden said on Thursday that he has no intention of staying “long” in that country.

“It will be difficult for tactical reasons to meet the May 1 date. It is difficult to get those troops out,” he said. He then explained that a recording must be done in a “safe and orderly” manner. “Let’s go, the question is when,” he added.

Meanwhile, another issue Biden touched upon during his press conference was the influx of migrants at the border between his country and Mexico. Biden says “nothing has changed” at the border, where a migration crisis occurs due to the arrival of immigrant minors.

The increase in immigration and minors arriving alone “happens every year,” the president said.

(In other news: Florida will vaccinate people over the age of 18 against Covid-19 from April)

There has been a significant increase in the number of people arriving at the border in the winter months – January, February and March.“because migrants “they may be less likely to travel to die on the road because of the heat of the desert“, He said.

But Biden indicated that the surge in migration had started before his arrival at the White House on Jan. 20. “I will not apologize for doing away with policies that are contrary to international law and human dignity,” he said.

On taking office, the president suspended the deportations of migrants for 100 days, has introduced a bill to provide a path to citizenship for 11 million immigrants illegal immigrants estimated to be in the country, and began admitting some asylum seekers who had been waiting in camps in Mexico for months.

Biden called the idea ‘flattering’ that he attracted new migrants with his ‘nice guy’ image. But for him that is not the reason for the increased flow of migrants, mainly from Central America.

People are leaving Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador mainly because of earthquakes, floods, lack of food and gang violenceIn February, more than 100,000 undocumented migrants were detained at the southern US border, including nearly 9,500 unaccompanied minors, and these arrivals accelerated further in March.

US authorities were in charge of more than 15,000 unaccompanied youth on Tuesdayincluding nearly 5,000 border posts that they themselves have admitted are unsuitable for children.

Biden also said the United States is admitting several migrant families because Mexico refuses to accept their return. “We are negotiating with the President of Mexico, I think we will see that change,” he said. “Everyone should go back.”

* With AFP and EFE

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– Harris asks Congress to act after the latest shootings in the US.
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