Jefferson Farfán After Protocol Violation: “The Fault Is Mine Only, I Will Take Responsibility In The Best Way” | SOCCER PERUVIAN

In a live broadcast on Instagram, Jefferson Farfan she broke her silence after appearing in a video with an unknown person. “It has given me a lot of helplessness to hear so many negative things. It’s just me, I take responsibility in the best way, ‘said the footballer.

The footballer gave details of his departure to the restaurant “Yesterday afternoon I went to eat in a restaurant with my family environment, with my environment where I always stop, my cousin and a friend who lives with me. The truth is I couldn’t imagine going this far, I clearly know the mistake I made, I assume I made the mistake. “the footballer said on his Instagram account.

Jefferson could receive various messages and criticism for yesterday’s video “It was very difficult for me to listen to everything I have heard during the day because things have been broken”he said.

Later he explained how things happened “They asked me for a picture, I agreed to take the picture and include myself in a video, the big problem was they asked me to take the picture without mask and also the video, and the error is not the fault of the person, the fault is absolutely mine, I assume the fault is mine because I was the one who agreed “, he said.

On the other hand, Farfán thanked the good news and affirmed that he had a lot of helplessness at hearing things that were not true “I appreciate so many messages that have reached me, it makes me very helpless to hear so many negative things, I have been with a fairly clear conscience with what I have been doing all this time, I have taken good care of myself, I am one of been the people who have used the most mask, it was a mistake on my part that I have to take it, I will continue to take it, I am solely responsible and I will have to be more responsible for what comes from now on “, Hero.

“I want to apologize to the club, I want to apologize to my teammates, I want to apologize to the technical staff. I am an Alliance fan, I am the benchmark of my team, I am the captain and therefore I have to take this responsibility and I am taking it in the best way, it will not happen again and I hope I can soon return “, ended up.
