Jeanette Maus, actress of Resident Evil Village, dies

A few hours ago the unfortunate news came out that he has passed away Jeanette Mouse, actress who played one of the main characters in ‘Resident Evil Village’.

This information has been released from the official account of Capcom and people close to the actress, who died at the age of 39 due to complications colon cancer.

The news caused a stir in networks and the displays of affection for Jeanette have become visible, where they remember her as a professional and passionate woman.

Jeanette Mouse

“At Capcom R&D 1, we are deeply saddened by the death of Jeanette Maus, the talented actress who helped us portray so many different characters, including our witches, in the world of Resident Evil Village. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones, ”you read in the publication.

It should be noted that Jeanette Maus previously appeared in the Charm City Kings movies, Lynn Shelton Your Sister’s Sister and My Effortless Brilliance, the latter of which also served as a co-author.

