Jay Fonseca asks the FBI to continue the investigation of Sixto George

Political analyst Jay Fonseca spoke this afternoon about the arrest of producer Sixto George and the charges he allegedly made against the also attorney for alleged defamation.

Referring to the lawsuit that Sixto George had brought against him, Fonseca assured that at the time, “many were trying to throw mud against investigative journalism,” when many of the statements that the now-accused federations denounced as defamation emerged in the accusatory statement.

“I’m going to ask the FBI to continue this investigation and release the subjects allegedly mentioned in the indictment (…) because, according to that statement, Sixto George was looking for money to pay certain people to promote public relations in the media. and networking while it was being charged, investigative journalism was vilified, ”he continued.

Fonseca assured that today he embraced the First Amendment protecting freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, “but it is more important that all media do not unite on this matter … be careful with the strategies being made against the investigative journalism to silence voices ”.

According to the analyst, these demands are “not a personal struggle” but a major cause “for people to see who is telling them the truth.”

Sixto George is facing a $ 15,000 bond after being arrested by federal authorities today for allegedly trying to extort money from then-Governor Ricardo Rosselló.

The hearing for the reading of the charges will then be held February 9th to 1.30 pm

In George’s January 19 publications, he blamed analyst Jay Fonseca for the federal authorities’ action to seize cell phones, as happened to him in July 2019.
