James Harden is a mantine and a silence with the prensa

Houston Rockets super jet, James Harden, debuted on the market and market of the city, without the intervention of a media player with an intermediary and a short time span for the entrance to the city.

Harden, a good authorization for the practice of the music, a viola that ignores entry to the NBA mid and is available to the Victorian Victoria of Houston by 112-98 from San Antonio Spurs.

Harden jugó 21 minutes in victoria, registered 12 points and 3 of 10 tiros, 3 rebotes, 4 asistencias and 3 pérdidas de balón.

“Fue bueno”, dijo el entrenador de primer año de los Rockets, Stephen Silas. “Quiero decir, obviamente on the gran jugador and puede hacer tantas cosas in the cancha, dentro y fuera de la pelota. Defensivamente, ane grandes manos and hace jugadas and es inteligente. Así que tenerlo ahí fuera fue genial”.

Hardening by means of primeros de pretemporada de los Rockets debido en los protocolos COVID-19 an option for the current price of admission, and social media in Atlanta and Las Vegas. The NBA Requirements Harden a negative or a coronavirus during a succession of consecutive authorizations to practice with the device.

Hardening an answer to whether there is a message from the first place, or some other time, and there is no pastime with a price tag on the rockets that take a long time.

“All the last day, the best of the first and the other organization for the whole day”, John Wall’s base (15 points, 3 axes), is one of the most important things you can do with Harden. Eating Wine by Russell Westbrook has been around for a long time. “This is an important part of the kitchen, the entramos and the práctica, not centramos and baloncesto.

“Not a single preguntarle or a porque as an asunto personal. Note the preocupa and the qué podemos hacer for the equipment of the missiles sea great possible mientras tes aqui y sigan adelante con eso”.

Silas, do not wait for a conversation and an extension of the duration of the hardening of time, it is not possible to harden the location of the establishment or for a specific time.

“No sé qué tan cerca está”, dijo Silas. “No, he has a sufficient como for saber la respuesta”.
