James Corden will follow the same diet as Adamari López for weight loss

The presenter James Corden, surprised to reveal it afterwards 15 years to promise over and over again that he will have a diet To lose weight in 2021, he hopes to finally reach that goal.

This desire for his physical change, he assures, is also for love her kidsbecause they fear that their weight will prevent them from enjoying activities with them, I am sick of my appearance, of not being healthy. I don’t want to wake up tired or embarrassed chasing my son on the football field and I’m out of breath after 3 minutes. ” noted, according to the TMZ portal.

So the 42-year-old driver contacted the Weight Watchers company for help, “I am absolutely convinced that WW has the tools to make this change for me this year. I want to change the way I live. I want to be better for my children and family. The past year has shown us all that taking care of yourself should be a priority “, said.

This is how he shared his reasons for joining this diet:

James Corden will follow the diet other personalities had, such as Adamari Lopez, Oprah Winfrey and Jennifer Hudson, in the same company, which has done well for them.

james corden and justin bieber

The Late Late Show with James Corden‘is the program with which he has gained fame, as personalities like Madonna, Jonas Brothers and even the former first lady of the United States were with him.

James Corden is known for taking celebrities to a walking karaoke in his car, called Carpool karaoke, while he is also being interviewed by him.
