“It is a huge recognition for me that they suffer from it”

1 21/03/2021 – 6:12 PM (GMT-4)

Lilo Vilaplana, the director of Planted, a film that reconstructs the memory of Cuban political exile after 1959, responded to social networks before the criticism made by the official newspaper Granma he devoted himself to the film in recent days.

“Castroism has a great page dedicated to us! I’m going to frame it and save it. It is a huge recognition for me that they suffer from PLANTADOS ”, Vilaplana wrote on Facebook.

“They used Granma and Mr. Betancourt (his most prominent film licker) to attack the film,” said the director of the author of the official text, the film critic and regime supporter Rolando Pérez Bentancourt.

The latter described the film as ‘subversive counter-revolutionary propaganda material’ and called ‘criminals’ the historic Cuban political prisoners, many of whom were comrades in the battle of the Castro brothers in the Sierra Maestra and were charged with no charges other than those of opponents. . to the new regime.

Vilaplana assured, however, that the article could not deny “the torture, murders or human rights violations” committed by the island’s government.

director of Planted He also accused the Cuban state of warning his friends at the academy in the US “with a phone call from Havana” to try to “block the film.”

“Unable” to accomplish the above, added Vilaplana, “they asked votes to disqualify the film to pave the way for the discrediting they are used to, they are using those henchmen who, without arguments and with many disqualifications, the attack started, ‘he condemned.

However, the director assured that the Cuban government had experienced “the tremendous support, interest, emotion and acceptance of Plantados” that the “Castroites and their accomplices” denied.

Since the premiere of Plantedseveral Cuban public figures have underlined the importance of the film, such as the musician Alexander Delgado of Gente de Zona, or the Cuban chess grandmaster Lázaro Bruzón, who was shocked by the crude history of violence and oppression that the movie reconstructs.

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